不過藝軒老板說賣得也差不多了 要買的人動作要快啊
台幣 3465(Amazon訂價是美金99元, 運費另加)-->真的一點都不比自己訂貴XDDD
ISBN: 0323029981
有的植物有圖片 不過不多 也有介紹大動物/小動物/馬/乳牛的個別使用方式及劑量
(我還沒仔細看完,不確定它上頭寫的small animal劑量是否專指貓狗???)
Part 1:Historical relationship between plants and animals
Ethnoveterinary medicine:potential solutions for large-scale problems
The roots of veterinary botanical medicine
Oerview of traditional Chinese medicine:the cooking pot analogy
Ayurvedic veterinary medicine:Priciples and practices
Part2:Herbal medicine controversies
Evaluating, designing, and accessing herbal medicine research
Regulation and quality control
A sleptical view of herbal medicine
Part 3 : The plants
Medical botany
Plants chemitry in veterinary medicine:medicinal constituents and their mechanisms of action
Herbal Medicine:potential for intoxication and interactions eith conventional drugs
Herbal energetics: a key to efficacy in herbal medicine
Herbal manufacture,pharmacy and dosing
Designing the medicinal herb gargen
Commercial production of organic herbas for veterinary medicine
Conserving medicinal plant biodiversity
Safe substitutes for endangered herbs:plant conservation and loss of our medicines
Part 4 Veterinary clinical uses of medicinal plants
Approaches in veterinary herbal medicine prescribing
Veterinary herbal medicine :a systems-based approach
Hebal medicine in Equine practice
Phutotherapy for dairy cows
Clinical practice:getting started
Materia medica
Part 5 Appendices
A Weights and measures conversions
B Suppliers
C Training in herbal medicine
D Herbal terminology
E Client handout ;hints on administering herbs to animals